Join us on August 13 at beautiful Helfrich Hills Golf Course for the Second Annual West Side Nut Club Golf Scramble.
Foursome availability is limited so please register early.
Foursome availability is limited so please register early.
Registration Deadline is August 2nd
Event Information
Cost is $400 per foursome or $100 per player
Cost is $400 per foursome or $100 per player
Check in for the event is at 7:00 AM on August 13 with a shotgun start at 8:00 AM
Lunch will follow the conclusion of the golf scramble
To download the registration form please click here
For Sponsorship opportunities please click here
For Questions of sponsorship opportunities please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Payment Submission
Check is preferred and can be mailed to:
Maverick Carnahan
6914 Springdale Drive
Evansville, IN 47720
Please make checks out to West Side Nut Club and in the memo line put Gold Scramble
Sponsorship Opportunities
Presenting Sponsor $3000
Includes: Exclusive sponsorship, media exposure, two complimentary teams
Includes: Exclusive sponsorship, media exposure, two complimentary teams
Cart Sponsor $1,500
Includes: Non-exclusive recognition on a single hole and one complimentary team
Exclusive hole sponsor $1000
Includes: Exclusive sponsorship of a single hole and one complimentary team
Donation Sponsor $500
Includes: Media coverage, three non-exclusive hole sponsor signs
Hole sponsor $100
Includes: One non-exclusive hole sign